EN | ES | קריירה במגו-אפק
EN | ES | קריירה במגו-אפק
מגו אפק פיתחה ומשווקת מוצרים רפואיים, וכן מוצר להאצת חילוף חומרים והצרת היקפים • החברה תמכור במרקו את המוצר לתחום האסתטי שלה
Mego Afek is honored to have been featured in the exclusive magazine by The Marker, one of Israel’s leading financial publications, covering COVID-19 related innovation and growth initiatives. Barak Hoffer, Mego’s CEO, talked about two important innovative projects we are involved in, to assist treatment in Coronavirus patients
Lympha TrackTM has been recently adopted to multiple languages, so that patients all over the world can easily track lymphedema symptoms and retain their progress with the user-friendly application. Lympha TrackTM is a free application, now available in English, Spanish,German,
A new study with Lympha Press® PCD-51™ was presented at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, Spring, May 2019, San Antonio TX USA. The study showed complete healing of chronic venous stasis ulcers in four out of five patients…